August 3, 2013

An old friend of mine had been killed in random shot


Sedar tak sedar lagi berapa hari saja lagi nak raya.. persiapan raya semua dah siap.. bila para umat Islam sedang bergembira untuk hari kemerdekaan ini.. ada juga non-Muslim yang sedang berduka cita.. tak bermakna duka mereka itu diabaikan begitu saja..

Petang semalam.. my school mate post di FB bagitahu our old friend had been killed in random shot at kg. simee.. first she asked weather I still remember Jasraf? Who wouldn't.. coz of that guy, both of us fighting and stop talking to each other.. when she said he's dead.. susah betul nak percaya sebab dia baru 25..

I pun Google pasal incident tu.. and a little bit shock la juga.. man shot dead + security firm owner killed

After I heard about the news, first thing I do is tweeting my two friends from poly & three high school friends who I guess they might still remember him.. Mi and Ina bagi response 'aku tak tahu nak cakap apa.. nak cakap innalillah tak boleh.. nak sedekah Al-Fatihah dia kafir.. cakap RIP je la'

Masa whatsapp dengan Sylvia semalam.. susah betul nak ingatkan dia pasal time dulu balik.. rasa macam nak pergi jump sebelah dia terus.. lepas tu Syl call Moureen pula, nakkan confirmation pasal incident ni since Moureen tinggal di area sana.. if you all nak tahu.. nama dia ni famous betul di mgs.. orangnya handsome.. kalau pandang pun orang akan ingat yang dia ni melayu when the fact is he's a singh.. 

Entah macam mana, me and Sylvia terus bercakap pasal old times.. how naive we were back then.. kelakar rasanya bila teringat waktu dulu.. FYI, he's my first boyfriend and even though it was only for fun & doesn't involved any feelings from each of us.. still.. I feel a bit sad.. I won't deny that sometimes I do think what happened to him now, is he married.. what kind of work he do for living.. etc

Bila balik rumah, I bagitahu mama & mak long.. first sekali diorg tanya perempuan ke lelaki (sebab I dulu sekolah perempuan).. bila I cakap lelaki.. mama terus cakap 'kasihannya.. dahlah nak raya..' I cepat-cepat correcting mama 'dia bukan melayu.. orang singh..' and mak long pula cakap dia memang ada dengar tiga remaja kena tembak di Ipoh..

And semalam I duduk depan telly tengok berita semata-mata nak tahu update.. until now.. polis belum dapat tangkap the two suspects.. the only info they have is the suspects drive a Proton Wira Aeroback..

What I learned from this incident is although that person only show up for a short term in your life, no matter what he had exist in all that memories either it's good or bad.. we can't turn back time and hope everything will be ok.. I've been acting like a stupid girl last night.. I hope that when I wake up this morning.. all this is just a nightmare..

To be honest.. I'm still shock with this incident.. an old friend of mine had been killed in random shot..

And as said by my best friends life is weird.. taking people in glance.. give us everything, taking them back living us in shock.. there's nothing I can do but to say Rest In Peace Jasraf Singh and hopefully his family will be strong in faces all this..



  1. omg ries... rasa mcm kenal la plak... sbb ko ckp bf lama ko... wtf.. sian dia... RIP

  2. jasraf.. kan pasal dia aku dengan jennifer, kelas 1 ros tu bergaduh?
