September 13, 2017

Live with parents & on your own

So today I saw a tweet that saying those who still live with their parents even though they're in their 20s have a lot of privileges compare to those who live alone. Yes, I still live with my parents but it doesn't mean that I just live there for free.

Yeah of course it saves me from paying rental, bills etc but I do help them a little like buying groceries and pay for astro bills. It may seems nothing much but at least you do your duty as a child and I know some would say "I live alone too but I still send em money, I don't have a pretty salary but I still can afford to live on my own etc".

If that is how you criticize those who live with their parents, you had misjudge them sweetheart. Their responsibility is bigger than what you think.

We all have bills to pay, but it doesn't mean that those who live with their parents never have financial problems. You see the only thing here is living alone and live with parents are the rental.

And I know in some places like America or European, woman/man above 18 would started to live on their own once they went to college. No matter what it is, either you live alone or not, we all face the same problem as financial account and still in the process of learning on how to manage it.

So have a good day everyone.


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