November 3, 2014

Signed Album: AlphaBAT "Answer"

So finally my AlphaBAT "Answer" signed album arrived last Wednesday.. hehe I haven't even put down my bag yet & mom said there's a parcel from Korea for you.. she thought I bought make-up kekeke I was very satisfy with their delivery this time.. the parcel nicely arrived, no damage at all.. 

And now I'm looking forward to Teen Top "Missing" signed album.. I really have no luck to win APB & TT signed posters or badges from mwave M&G.. :( I heard that APB will comeback to Malaysia again in Dec, part of me is happy & part of me wish "please don't let it be in december" I have so many plans already huuuu

Fan signing moment at Ipoh Parade (14.08.08).... the queue were arranged to start with maknae->leader.. next time I hope the hyungs line will go first hehehe

the love of my life.. eh I mean the most dumb & talkative member in the group.. looks like a normal dude, ain't he? 

Beta : "Oppa.. for you.." giving him a big bag with food kekeke and he was "oh thank you.." with a big smile & a loud voice.. *couldn't talk long with him cos the staff was pulling me like hurry up and go.. :(

my fave rapper.. the most mischievous and always flirting.. I won't forget 14.08.08 kekeke

Iota : I was just silently waiting to move to Heta cos I've a letter to pass to him (for my friend) and he suddenly lift up his face, almost close to my face.. I was so damn shock & move to Heta ignoring him, Iota is my bias too but maybe bcos I want to meet Beta, I don't even care about him..

Heta : he's signing my album & I passed his the letter, and he kept it in his hand before pass the album to Gamma and when I moved to Gamma.. that's when we have a little chat, ignoring Gamma.. Lol

heta "cute girl"
me "handsome guy"

And both of us said thank you to each other.. Gamma is signing my album and I don't even pay attention to him, I moved to Fie & said handsome Fie.. and his face was like he doesn't even know what I'm saying.. makes me feel like an idiot for a moment >.<


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